
3 Essential Components That Are Needed to Fight Cyber Threats

Nov 03, 2021

Cyber Insurance

3 Essential Components That Are Needed to Fight Cyber Threats 3 Essential Components That Are Needed to Fight Cyber Threats

With the advancement in technology, most businesses now have an online presence to reach their customers all over the world. However, with this new development comes the risks of hacking, data leakage, and other forms of cyberattack. Therefore, the importance of cybersecurity insurance cannot be overemphasized. Besides, businesses are also at risk of lawsuits for failure to provide adequate protection to their customers.


Cybersecurity is how you protect your computer program and related networks from cyberattacks. IT experts have developed effective cybersecurity methods, but with every new invention comes a loophole. Therefore, these professionals must always be on their toes to ensure that the loopholes are blocked with more advanced security methods. The duty of combating cyberattacks is not meant for IT inclined persons alone, but for all of us. This is because cybersecurity is not a one-and-done solution; it's a framework that needs to evolve and adapt to newer forms of cyberthreats.

Here are the three important aspects of cybersecurity, all of which need to work together for the best results.

Important Components of Cybersecurity

  • The People

    The role of people in cybersecurity cannot be undermined. In a business, the people (workers) are the key components to consider when administering and protecting a company or individual's assets. They help drive the cybersecurity process from multiple angles. They are the decision-makers pulling out all the stops to protect their clients and deliver top-notch services. They include C-suite executives, directors, staff, management, and third-party consultants.

  • The Processes

    The processes involved in cybersecurity are the steps that provide the framework for governance and define the procedures that can be measured over time. These processes are what the IT department monitors and responds to. They are put into place to support the integrity of a security system. In order to build a solid cybersecurity system, there must be a clear separation of duties.

    Everyone must work together to achieve the best results, as it is not just one person who is responsible for the changes made to a product or system. Physical barriers like secure spaces can limit access to the hardware and provide security. Detective controls like regular audits and reviews can ensure safety too. Make sure you follow the best practices and handle software and data securely.

  • The Technology

    Here technology refers to the hardware and software used for achieving reliable cybersecurity. The cyber-world was birthed by technology and cannot exist without it. Therefore, everything about cybersecurity is dependent on technology. There are certain mechanisms put in place by IT experts to prevent the compromise of an IT infrastructure. These mechanisms include behavior analytics to monitor user behavior or a breach detection which notifies you of hackers or malware. It also consists of an authentication response system that confirms a user's credentials. These layers of security help in creating a fortified system that keeps cyberattacks at bay.

Tips to Defend Your Business Against Cybercrimes

Taking your business online has its benefits, but it also increases the risk of scams, data theft, and other cybersecurity threats.

Here are a few tips to help protect your business from cyber threats:

  • Back up your data

    Backing up crucial business data will help you recover any information lost during a cyberattack.

  • Keep your devices and network secure

    Update your operating system and security software regularly as they may contain important security upgrades against the latest viruses and other malicious software.

  • Encrypt important information

    Make sure to encrypt your network and data when stored or sent online as encryption converts your data into secret code that can be decrypted only by those with an authentic key. This reduces the risk of theft and tampering.

  • Manage passphrase for safety measures

    Use a passphrase instead of passwords to protect your devices and network that hold important information as they are relatively more difficult to crack.

  • Use multi-factor authentication (MFA)

    MFA is a verification process in which you are required to provide two or more proofs of your identity before you can access your account. Using MFA can increase the level of cybersecurity and prevent data breaches.

  • Monitor the use of computer equipment

    Keep records of all the computer equipment and software that your business runs, along with details of those who regularly operate them.

A clear understanding of these three components, along with the tips listed above, can help enhance the quality of cybersecurity, ensuring greater protection. However, if all these fail, then you need insurance to cover the liabilities resulting from cyber threats. CF&P Insurance Brokers is your go-to provider to purchase coverage that helps keep your business protected from liability claims. Contact us to get a free quote today!

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