
7 Effective Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums

Oct 20, 2021

Auto Insurance

7 Effective Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums 7 Effective Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums
Finding the right auto insurance policy can be complicated. There are several factors to consider as you search for premiums that align with your budget. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of finding affordable coverage.

1. Multi-Car Discounts

If you are researching quotes for a single vehicle, you may receive a higher quote when compared to a policy that insures multiple drivers and vehicles. Many insurance companies will offer a bulk discount to earn your business. If you are looking for a bulk discount, all of the drivers should stay at the same residence and be related to each other. In some cases, unrelated people may qualify for a discount. However, they should both own the vehicle. You may also be able to obtain a deal if you combine your auto insurance with another policy, such as home insurance.

2. Higher Deductibles

Deductibles are the amount of money that you are required to pay before an insurer handles your claim. You can reduce your monthly premium by increasing your deductible. However, you must be financially stable before increasing your deductible.

3. Good Credit

If you have an established history of good credit, it can help reduce your monthly premiums. People who have good credit are classified as low-risk by insurers because they have a track record of filing fewer claims. One of the easiest ways to improve your credit score is to pay your bills on time. Try to avoid taking on more credit than you can handle and keep your credit balance low. It's important to look at your credit report once a year to ensure that everything is in good standing.

4. Low Mileage

You can lower your premium if your vehicle has low mileage. That shows that you are driving less frequently, which reduces the chances of your being involved in an accident.

5. Anti-theft Devices

You can lower your auto insurance premiums by installing an anti-theft device in your vehicle. Your auto insurance company will give you more information on which devices can lower your auto insurance premium. Common devices include innovative alarms and Lo Jacks. If you have a tight budget, assess your financial situation before adding these devices. You need to make sure that the device is worth the investment.

6. Reducing Coverage

If you have an older vehicle, consider reducing your coverage. Perhaps having a comprehensive policy isn't the most efficient use of your resources. Use an online blue book to look up the value of your vehicle. Then, while renewing your policy, go over everything carefully to ensure that your insurance policy still aligns with your situation.

7. Good Grades

If you plan to add your teen driver to your auto insurance policy, generally, you can expect your premium to rise. Inexperienced drivers are seen as high risk. If your child is a good student, you should qualify for a discount. You can have the good student discount applied to your policy until your child turns 25.

Consult with CF&P Insurance Brokers

While it may seem difficult to find an affordable auto insurance policy, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances. Be sure to get multiple quotes before making any changes to your policy. If you have any questions, contact the experts here at CF&P Insurance Brokers, and we will assist you.

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