
Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster?

Dec 20, 2017

Blog Archives

Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster? Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster?
Natural disasters are making a lot of headlines lately. Unfortunately, 2017 has been one of the worst years in U.S. history with hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires devastating many parts of the country. Along with wildfires, which have recently ravaged through parts of Northern California and Southern California, earthquake is another disaster that some say is just waiting to happen. Being prepared for a natural disaster or earthquake is very important. Experts agree that a large earthquake is overdue for the West Coast. Earthquake damage will affect millions of people, property, infrastructure and the environment and cost California billions of dollars in damage. So, the question is, how can you prepare your family for an earthquake? Take a look at the following list of easy things you can do to prepare.
  • Prepare an emergency supply kit and include at least one-week supply of water and food.
  • If you live in an older home, check to see if it needs to be seismically retrofitted.
  • Document and discuss a family emergency plan on where to reassemble after the earthquake.
  • Download the American Red Cross and/or FEMA mobile apps or view their websites for important notifications, additional safety tips and preparedness information:
It is important to know that your homeowner's insurance policy will likely not cover earthquake losses. Without earthquake insurance, you will have to pay out-of-pocket to repair any damage to your home, replace your personal property, and pay rent and food costs to live elsewhere while your home is being rebuilt. These are often overlooked expenses that can be devastating to your family. CF&P Insurance Brokers is happy to take a look at your current homeowner's coverage and provide you a quote for earthquake insurance on your home. Call us at (925) 956-7700 and we will be happy to provide you a quote.

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