
Five Tips to Claim Your Workers' Compensation

Apr 13, 2022

Wokers Compensation

Five Tips to Claim Your Workers' Compensation Five Tips to Claim Your Workers' Compensation

Workers' compensation is insurance that employers must carry to pay for accidents and illnesses that affect employees while on the job. However, filing a claim doesn't automatically generate a check to pay for medical bills and lost wages. Here are five important workers' compensation tips to know when you file a claim.

  1. Immediately Report an Injury to Your Supervisor

    For a claim to be processed quickly for benefits, you need to report the injury right away to your supervisor. Although your window of opportunity to file may be several weeks from the incident, the sooner you file, the less likely the process will be delayed. The longer you wait, the more difficult the accident is to prove, especially if the injury heals before seeing a doctor. If you don't see a medical professional, it will be even harder to prove that your accident warrants a payout.

  2. File Your Claim Properly

    When it comes to submitting an insurance claim, you need to file it exactly as instructed by your carrier. Don't leave blanks on the form, and don't make it look like you hurried or didn't care. Fill out the form accurately and completely. Remember, there are legal consequences for filing a fraudulent claim. Double-check your information to ensure it's 100 percent correct, as any minor error or omission can slow down the approval process. Don't allow small oversights to cause your claim to be delayed or rejected. Take the form seriously and submit it to the insurer well before the deadline.

  3. Keep Your Own File and Journal

    Document the accident by writing notes in a journal and keeping a file of items such as photos and a copy of your claim form. Maintaining your own file will allow you to review accident details so you can keep them fresh in your mind. Make sure the facts you submit to the insurer are consistent with your personal notes. Be sure to keep track of the hours you missed at work so that you can get compensated appropriately.

  4. Seek Medical Help as Soon as Possible

    If you are injured at work, your priority should be to see a doctor right away. Visiting a hospital will provide you with time-stamped medical documentation that backs up your injury claim. The costs of medications and therapy will factor into how much of a payout you get. More importantly, it's best for your own health to seek immediate treatment that matches your injury.

  5. Provide Clear Details of Your Injury

    Make sure your claim contains detailed information about your injury. Describe the wounds accurately and explain how your injury prevents you from working. Your explanation will help your insurer determine if it's a claim the firm can pay. Tell your story in an objective way that sticks with the facts. Don't exaggerate any details, and don't downplay serious injuries. If you haven't suffered physical or mental harm from the incident, chances are the claim won't be approved. Use language that doesn't leave room for doubt about the description of your injuries.

Following these simple workers' compensation tips will promptly help you get a payout for workplace injuries or illnesses. If you want to learn more about workers' compensation insurance, contact our experts at CF&P Insurance Brokers. We will help create a customized insurance plan after thoroughly assessing your business risks and needs.

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